Critical Hits and Misses #69

  • Remember that one time that Mockingbird appeared on a cover of a comic book wearing a tshirt that said "Ask me about my feminist agenda?" And remember how Chelsea Cain was chased off Twitter over that? Well, we need to be asking the big questions of Marvel's male creators, and Claire Napier is doing so. (Tova)

  • They see me rolling, on my Segway! Jemaine Clement dove into the mind of Weird Al in an interview for Vulture. (Zachary)

Because we need a pick-me-up, Stevie Wonder performed "Don't You Worry About A Thing" live on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and you should watch it. (Ivonne)

Today's critical rolls:
1. What's your feminist agenda?

— Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: don't act like an AmeriKKKan. Seriously, don't. There's already been too much of that shit in the past week. Treat others with respect.