- On the eve of the United States potentially electing its first woman president, The NY Times examines feminism today and the age young girls are growing up in, and also takes a look at why American men seem to have been left behind. (Ivonne)
- Game designer Brie Code provides a fascinating perspective at modern video games industry and the problems of getting non-gamers into trying them out in Video Games Are Boring. Over at Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Philippa Warr provides her own thoughts on the matter in a response article. (Dominik)
- A potential new pilot for a Cartoon Network show has been put on the YouTube. It has a great female protagonist, math, and a corgi! Watch it here and take a look at the petition if you want Infinity Train to chug its way to a full season pickup. (Zachary)
Today's critical rolls:
1. How will you celebrate continued life or the end of the world?
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