- Hey, did you hear the one about the Cubs winning the World Series? Haha! No seriously, they just won the World Series after a 108 year losing streak, and only a year after Back to the Future predicted they would. Screenwriter Bob Gale discusses the win and how it "ruins a good joke." (Ivonne)
- Entertainment Weekly discusses how DC is getting political with The Flintstones and Catwoman comics, ripping stories from today’s election headlines. Our very own Zach Krishef reviewed this issue of The Flintstones this week! (Ivonne)
- Hey look! It's 2016 and someone somewhere is finally figuring out that women buy movie tickets! Fancy that! The Hollywood Reporter discusses how high-profile female-led movies are replacing the testosterone-fueled movies of old. (Ivonne)
Today's musical hit: Well, it's about that time of year we crowd into coffee shops to warm up and listen to jazz. Well, maybe your local coffee shop is playing Christmas music already, the horror, so here's something else to listen to (Megan)
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Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: be kind, rewind, and don't insult your fellow commenters.