- Today in "Awesome Ladies You Should Know," Laura A. Parker wrote a profile for Glixel (Rolling Stone’s new awkwardly-named gaming site) on Amy Henning, Uncharted director who’s currently working for EA on a Star Wars game. (Dominik)
- And Today in "Smells Like Bullshit News," Kathleen Kennedy discusses why the massive Star Wars franchise hasn't yet hired a female director. Something something experience, because I guess there aren't female directors out there with plenty of experience already? (Ivonne)
For today's musical hit, watch Lady Gaga's "Million Reasons" live from the 2016 American Music Awards. (Ivonne)
Today's critical rolls:
1. What's the real reason we don't have lady directors of a massive franchise like Star Wars yet?
— Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: don't be an MRA asshole.