Critical Hits & Misses #30: Seussday, September 20, 2016

After a brief sabbatical, Critical Hits & Misses is back! Let's do this!

Ten days to go until Luke Cage premieres! Are you ready? If not, this might get you pumped:
Rolling Stones has the deets on the soundtrack for Luke Cage. Fellow fans of American 90s hip hop, and especially A Tribe Called Quest, should be pleased. (Tova)

Diana Tourjee over at Vice explores the moralism of the show Seventh Heaven, its inexplicable popularity, and the culture it spawned from. (Megan)

Popular author Dan Wells recently did an AMA on Reddit to promote the film based on his novel I Am Not A Serial Killer. You may recognize his name from a review posted at Critical Writ on Bluescreen, one of his newer books. (Zach)

It's Seussday! Be true to you, today and all days!

In today's musical hit, Run River North contemplate their options: "Run Or Hide"? Content warning for extreme violence towards drums, old televisions sets, and teddy bears.

Today's critical rolls:

1. What’s the best Woman Kicking Ass-GIF you can find? (Why yes, this is an excuse to post embedded gifs, as if you need an excuse!)
2. Who is the evilest Marvel villain (comics only) and why?

Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: don't be the floating turd in the pool. Be cool, fool.