The AV Club: The first trailer for the heartrending film A Dog’s Purpose has been released. The film is based on a popular book; both the film and the book give us a dog's first-person perspective as he goes through various changes in his life. Bring tissues! (Zach)
The Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog provides an excellent list of the top 9 feminist comics everyone should read. (Ivonne)
In threesuccincttweets, Lucy Hallowell explains the problem with allowing one of The Fosters' most heroic characters to out another person as trans without any type of comment on her actions. For the longer version, read Hallowell’s recap of the episode on AfterEllen. (Tova)
It's Seussday!
This is a bluefish. Bluefish are pelagic predators. There could have been other fish—possibly even a red fish—but this bluefish would have eaten them. Nature does not care about your language games.
If you could write a solo series based on your favorite comic book villain, who would it be about and how would it explore their character and motivations? (Zach)
—Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: use your indoor adult voice at all times and refrain from being a total blathering idiot.