- I heard that, Curtis! More classic Sierra games have been added to Steam, including the original Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, the King’s Quest Collection, and Phantasmagoria. (Megan)
- If you loved Stranger Things’ Eleven, then you will be delighted by Millie Bobby Brown killing it as she raps to Nicki Minaj’s “Monster.” Also, silly string shenanigans with all the kids ensue. (Ivonne)
- Arab American Women provide some great insight into using comic books as a medium for self expression and social activism over at the Arab American National Museum’s blog. (Miz Opifex)
Also: Seussday is our improvement on Tuesday, so here is a picture of a fox in socks. Foxes don't like socks, doctor.
"I mean, what were you thinking?!" |
Today's critical rolls:
1. Could your spirit animal take down a Vaporeon? If so, how?
2. What's your favourite terrible idea? Keep it PG, please.
— Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: don't use the word "moist." Also, don't be a vexatious vaniloquist.