Critical Hits & Misses #28 - Wednesday, September 14th, 2016

Comic Book Resources: CBR has posted an interview with the writer and artist for Mosaic. (Zach)

The State Press: “Being a man is not synonymous with degrading women.” A great article by Libby Allnatt on sexism, music, and pop stardom. (Ivonne)

Women Write About Comics has an excellent roundtable on using the comic Bitch Planet when teaching for higher education. Even if you’re not an educator, it’s an interesting read. (Tova)

Goth isn't dead, as evidenced by today's musical hit; rather, it is undead—and it preys on your melancholy. Content warning: Chelsea Wolfe is wearing live snakes in this video, so ophidiophobians may want to pass on this one.

Today's critcal rolls:
1. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability (supernatural or not), what would it be?
2. Suspenders: yes or no?

Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: be kind to one another. It's that simple.