Critical Hits and Misses #19: September 1st, 2016

  • Women Write About Comics features a wonderful interview with The Fangirl's Guide To The Galaxy author, Sam Maggs. (John)

  • NPR’s Leah Donnella takes us through the fascinating history of “mixed race” vocabulary, and discusses the words we use today to describe people of mixed heritage. (Ivonne)

  • This interview with Supergirl’s executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells us that Tyler Hoechlin’s Superman will be very Christopher Reeve-inspired, along with a bunch of other interesting season 2 tidbits. (Aranwe)

  • For today's musical hit, the nice people of Typhoon perform John Prine's "In Spite of Ourselves," a decidedly unconventional love song. (Etienne)

    Today's critical rolls:

    1. Where on the Infinite Earths would you vacation?
    2. What is your all-time favorite video game?
    3. What are you most looking forward to in the remainder of the year?

    —Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: don't be an intolerable shitstain.