[Photo credit: The Visibility Project]
- Katy Perry introduced the term “misogynoir” to white mainstream America, but meet Moya Bailey, the black woman who actually coined the term. (Ivonne)
- Jim C. Hines writes about the history of harassment in science-fiction and fantasy fan communities and how to combat it. (Dominik)
- Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson introduced the world to his adorable baby daughter Jasmine on Facebook while she pooped on him. (Adrian)
In today's musical hit, Alison Mosshart reminds us that sometimes you just have to roll with the brokenness.
"You got to go still ahead."
Today's critical rolls:
1. Would you want to live of the moon if it were made of cheese?
2. What do you think caused the Space Roar?
— Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: don't embed videos of horrible things, but also—and more importantly—don't be an odious fucktrumpet.