Critical Hits & Misses #98

We'll forego our musical hit and our critical roll today, to just pass along this message: this weekend is Christmas, but it doesn't matter if you celebrate it or not. Maybe you celebrated the solstice earlier this week (I did). Or perhaps you will be celebrating for days to come, in which case, Happy Chanukah! Kwanza perhaps? Or quite possibly, you don't celebrate at all this time of year.

Regardless of what you do or don't do this coming weekend, we here at Critical Writ hope you have a fabulous time. 2016 has been rough for a lot of us, especially those of us "SJWs" who appear to have lost some huge battles of late. We haven't lost the war. Remember, we're on the right side of history. And maybe that won't be proven for decades. But never doubt that it will happen.

Thank you for spending time with us here at our tiny little blog. Whether you're celebrating with family, or just catching up on your Netflix backlog this weekend, getting your gaming on or baking up a storm... take the time to reflect on the positive. Take the time to unwind. Take the time to spread love, to your family and friends and neighbors and especially to strangers. We're making the world a better place, step by step, and we'll keep doing so in 2017.

— Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: love your fellow human beings.