- Over at the Washington Post, Shamira Ibrahim discusses how today's feminism doesn't reflect the experiences of her black immigrant mother. (Ivonne)
- Speaking of feminism, Felicity Jones talks about equal pay, the f-word (no, not the 4-letter one), and Rogue One. She's a feminist and proud of it. And that makes us happy. (Critical Writ Staff)
- Are you a fan of Funko? Well apparently enough people are, that there are going to be animated shorts featuring the huge-headed collectibles! Check out the trailer for a new short featuring Funko Spidey and Funko Tony Stark, taking on Funko Loki.
For today's musical hit, we have Machine Gun Kelly and Camila Cabello's "Bad Things" (Ivonne)
Today's critical rolls: 1. Are you a proud feminist? Why or why not? What does feminism mean to you? Yeah, we're getting pretty deep here on a Friday!
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