Critical Hits & Misses #102 - Chanukah Edition

Happy Chanukah, everyone! To celebrate this most joyous of Jewish holidays, I've taken over Critical Hits And Misses for the day. Your scheduled programming will resume tomorrow. For now, enjoy the all-new, all-different festivities!

  • The Maccabeats have released another special holiday-related song parody, this time of Hamilton. It's a mashup of the popular play and holiday sure to get you interested in looking up their other work. (YouTube)

  • Two years ago, Mashable posted a list of interesting latke recipes. Check them out for some mouth-watering fun! (Mashable)

  • An awesome fan made an entire episode of Gravity Falls dedicated to Chanukah. It's become one of my Chanukah traditions. (YouTube)

For today's musical hit, a song parody that tells the story of Chanukah.

Today's critical roll:

I had a little dreidel, I made it out of mud. And when I tried to spin it, it turned into Elmer Fudd. What did you make your dreidel out of?

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