- Are you ready for this? Margot Robbie is reprising her role as Harley Quinn in a just-announced DC female villains film based on the comic book run, "Gotham City Sirens." Robbie is also executive producer on the project, and is teaming up with Suicide Squad director David Ayer to do it. (Ivonne)
- In yesterday's Critical Hits & Misses, we mentioned MTV's Sweet/Vicious, a show about a vigilante duo that fights assault on college campuses. Today, check out an interview with show-creator Jennifer Kaytin Robinson, which goes into the reality behind the show’s premise as well as how to build a humorous, heightened show around such a serious topic (Tova)
For today's musical hit, it's Lady Gaga's "Million Reasons" because Lady Gaga is a queen (not to mention an awesome LGBTQ+ ally) and her music is awesome.
Today's critical roll:
Who is your favorite female villain from the comic books (doesn't have to be Marvel or DC either...)?
— Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: don't be a cheesy Batman supervillain. In fact, don't be a villain at all.