Critical Hits & Misses #101 - Mourning Edition

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      The world is in mourning today over the devastating loss of Carrie Fisher. We here at Critical Writ are broken-hearted. She wasn't simply an actress. She was a powerful, strong, beautiful, and brave woman that influenced an entire generation of girls (including many of us now blogging here). 
      And later in life, she spoke out about mental health and her own problems, using her platform to bring awareness on important causes. We love you Carrie, and we shall miss you. 
      The New York Times has a pretty good tribute to her here, but really you can find many tributes, all over the internet to her. 

    Need a holiday from the present climate of awfulness? Thievery Corporation will take you on a journey to strange musical vistas.

    Today's critical roll:

    Was Carrie Fisher important to you? Why or why not? What did she mean to you?

    Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: don't be a cancerous excrescence on the Internet's insides.