Shattered: Ms. Marvel #11 Review

Ms. Marvel #11 brings the Civil War II arc of the series to its heartbreaking devastating conclusion. It’s not all doom and gloom, there are some nice moments of levity, and some satisfying action.
Overall, it’s phenomenal. If you somehow haven’t started this series yet, I cannot recommend it more.

Spoilers beyond this point.

Well, it was always going to end this way, at least between Kamala and Carol. We knew from the beginning that she would inevitably end up on Tony’s side, and going by the covers of this issue and the last few ones, her support of Captain Marvel was not gonna end in a pretty way.

Getting everyone to sit down and watch Minority Report does seem like the best way to solve everything.
And it certainly does not. Kamala’s plan to win her over shows her desperation– anyone who’s been reading the main Civil War II series knows that a fault in her predictive justice system isn’t going to put her off. Add to that the fact that Kamala teamed up with a sort of villain (Hijinx is my favorite new character by the way­– I hope to see more of the Canadian Ninja Syndicate in the future).

Anyone else really want a spinoff?
Add to that the fact she once again battled Basic Becky (whom we thankfully haven't seen the last of, I love hating her) and called in Tony Stark himself for backup, and I think we’ve got a relationship that won’t be healed any time soon.

It gets worse though. Kamala finally stepping up and taking a stance was long overdue, but this comic isn’t afraid to show us the stakes of her delay. Bruno finally awakes from his coma, but we don’t get the tearful reunion we needed to see after her split with Captain Marvel.

The scholarships remark isn't out of nowhere– issue #7 covered how important it was to him.
 Bruno’s rage isn’t unjustified, but it stings nevertheless. We’re used to Ms. Marvel learning from her mistakes every few issues, and things reverting back to the status quo. This change is pretty big. This isn’t just anyone she’s lost, it’s Bruno. Her best friend since the second grade. The one who has stuck with her through thick and thin and, as we discover in the beautifully drawn opening to this issue, is the one who crafted her bangles into a protective vambrace.

This hurts so much.
Overall, Ms. Marvel #11 is unafraid to go where any of the other issues have, and has full on consequences, some disproportionate, others not so, for our heroine’s actions. It’s devastating, and tears will probably be shed. But overall, it’s a damn good comic.

Me too Tony, me too.
Aranwe Quirke is a totally real, definitely not made up name. No, you may not see the birth certificate.