Critical Hits & Misses #39 - Bunday!

The stress of being handsome and wonderfully floofle has become too much for poor Ollie. I know that feel, bro. Courtesy of Ollie Bun.

Squee, courtesy of Bun Life.
Dezz, courtesy of Bun Life.
Candid shot of Squee and Dezz at Meal Time, courtesy of Bun Life.
King Monty, courtesy of Poppy and Monty. All hail!
Princess Poppy, courtesy of Poppy and Monty. Long may she reign!
After a hard day of resting and relaxing, Snoopy is having a nap. Courtesy of Snoopy The Mini Dwarf and Lumi The Mini Lop. #TreatYoSelf

For today's musical hit, in celebration of the newly released Luke Cage on Netflix, and its phenomenal soundtrack, here is Bulletproof Love featuring Method Man. (warning: this video features scenes from the show, and the last scene especially might constitute a spoiler to some folks if you haven't gotten more than a couple episodes in). (Ivonne)

Today's critical rolls:
1. Who else would you like to see in Steve Orlando and Ivan Reis' Justice League of America?
2. If you were an animate household object animated in Disney and/or Pixar style, what would you be?

— Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: don't be an explosive shitstain on the human race.