- Ghost in the Shell PSA is a powerful video by Chewy May and Jes Tom that shows the consequences of whitewashing. In an interview with io9 the pair of creators elaborate on the message.
- Shawn Taylor over at Nerds of Color discusses how, more than ever in today's political climate, we need science fiction in order to imagine what the world could be like (both the good and bad futures). He lists his preferred sci-fi books and discusses why. Check out this awesome list!
For today's musical hit, we have Lorde and "Green Light"
Today's critical rolls: what are some of your favorite science fiction stories that could help navigate our current crappy political climate, and why? I need some good reading material, so let us know in the comments!
Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: we reserve the right to ban you for being a terribad citizen of the internet.