I’ve pretty much been waiting for Super Sons to come out from the moment DC announced their Rebirth titles. I’m a sucker for Batman and Superman team ups and stories about superhero families, so getting a title about Robin and Superboy was pretty much a dream title for me. “Superman #10” teased us with the “World’s Smallest” story, and I’ve been itching to get more of this diminutive duo ever since. Well this week I finally got to read issue #1 and it does not disappoint.
The beginning actually manages to double up on one of what is quickly becoming one of my least favorite plot devices in comics. It starts with a section labeled “Prologue” then jumps to “Now” then back to “Hamilton County. 300 miles from Metropolis. Two days earlier.” Starting a comic with a bunch of time jumps is something I’ve seen used way too much lately. It feels increasingly cheap as a device to artificially increase the tension at the beginning of a comic as a way to hook readers. While I understand that it was probably used in this case to get some splashy action scenes into what would otherwise be a comic that consists mostly of exposition, knowing that doesn’t make me any less bored with the trope.
After that though, my complaints evaporate. Jorge Jimenez’s art is wonderfully kinetic and expressive. He stretches faces and exaggerates poses to create the perfect playful, energetic mood for the two young protagonists. Even relatively still scenes pack in a lot of personality. It's even, dare it be said of a non all ages title, quite cute and charming.
Tomasi’s writing is great too, even with my quibbles about pacing. He introduces the characters in a way that covers a lot of their personalities and backgrounds for newcomers without needing to resort to explaining things so those who already know the characters get bored. Jon is the sweet kid who stands up to bullies even when he can’t really stop them because he needs to hide his powers. Damian is the clever kid who skips out on his homework because it bores him and talks his friend into sneaking out to fight crime. There’s just a little bit of one-upmanship and rivalry here too that feels genuine and boyish.
I’m eagerly awaiting the next issue in this series, and not just because this one ends on a cliffhanger. Super Sons is fun. It’s a pleasant antidote to the mountains of grim seriousness that can plague superhero stories, and I want more.
Miz Opifex is a union electrician by day and a champion of feminine geekery by night. She lives in the American Rust Belt with her cat and a staggering amount of books, movies, and albums on vinyl.