- Lucy Rycroft-Smith at the f-word blog experimented with wearing men's clothing, in an effort to understand gendered clothing (and to have freaking pockets for once!). Check out her blog post on how this experiment went for her and what she learned.
- Over at Rookie, Diamond Sharp talks about being black in Trump's America, and where we go from here as a nation, and as Progressives.
- Everyone's talking about Meryl Streep's hard-hitting and very presidential speech at the Golden Globes last night that took a one-two punch at the thin-skinned ignoramus that will somehow live in the people's White House as of 11 days from now. But Queen Meryl wasn't the only one who took shots at the Trumpster. Viola Davis also gave a more-presidential-than-that-guy speech that took shots at Trump and deplored Americans to remember they are all Americans.
For today's musical hit, check out the visually-appealing music video to Grimes' "Butterfly"
Today's critical rolls:
Have you ever given thought to why you wear the clothes that you wear? Do you wear it because society expects you to dress a certain way, or do you wear it because it makes you happy? Do you conform to society's standard gendered clothing?
— Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: don't be an impolite douchecanoe.