Oh, All New, All Different Avengers. You have so much going for you. Out of all the Avengers-themed groups running around right now, you have the honor of calling yourselves the main one. You’re Marvel’s flagship team. Your lineup is comprised of seven incredibly popular characters, all of who have super successful solo titles.
So why, oh why, are you still such a mediocre comic?
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Is it that face? It might be that face. |
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Apparently 'Warp Power' is something Mjolnir has. I'm not even joking. |
It’s like that Star Trek episode. The one you know you watched but can’t seem to remember the name of, or even which crew it was with.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, Jarvis and New Wasp are on a road trip to visit Janet Van Dyne who, as Jarvis points out, has not actually abandoned the title of Wasp. With all the new heroes taking on legacy titles left and right, this was bound to happen eventually. Anyway, they have engine trouble, and meet Janet for approximately two panels, and it’s somehow far more interesting than the Avengers battling a space vortex.
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Even in emergencies, Janet always finds time for fashion advice. |
*dramatic music*
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He looks kinda like a cross between Galactus and Ambush Bug. |
On the brighter side of things, I’m liking the new Wasp so far, even if she has yet to show any personality beyond the usual hyper-excitement. Still, it looks like next month we might be getting a team-up between her and Janet, and so at least we have something to look forward to.
Another positive is that we get hints of the greatness this series could achieve. It’s during little moments, like Nova’s desperation to find his dad, or Thor using Mjolnir to save Ms. Marvel that I see what kind of comic they were trying to write. Sadly, the rest of the issue fails to reach the same heights.
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They will never take this away from me |
Aranwe Quirke is a totally real, definitely not made up name. No, you may not see the birth certificate.