- Atlantic has a fabulously detailed and long article on the science behind implicit bias, and specifically, how a workshop run by a couple of social scientists could be the key to ending discrimination. Well worth the read.
- The Liminality blog discusses the definition and wide use of the term "butthurt" and how this is one internet expression that needs to be retired.
- Calling all Harry Potter fans! A rare piece of Potter history has been stolen, and the police and JK Rowling want fans to help out. It would only have value to a fan, so yeah. If you see this online anywhere for sale, let the authorities know. Totally not cool!
For today's musical hit, we have Pinegrove and "Size of the Moon"
Today's critical rolls: Have you ever thought about your own biases? Are you aware of them? Have you caught yourself thinking things about other people, especially strangers, that would indicate some kind of bias or prejudice? Let us know how self-aware you are!
Critical Writ has a super-duper strict comment policy that specifies a single rule above all others: we reserve the right to ban you for being a terribad citizen of the internet.