- Taylor Swift might sue a blogger who demanded that she denounce white supremacy and Nazism. But why, though?
- In the Beyond Stranger Things aftershow series that Netflix aired with episode recaps and cast interviews to celebrate the second season of Stranger Things, there was a revelation concerning the kiss between Max and Lucas in episode nine. Apparently, the kiss wasn't scripted, and despite it being quite sweet and endearing on the show, turns out that neither young actor were super happy about all the ribbing they've been getting. The internet has strong feelings about this and this blogger discusses why it's important for young actors to be treated with the same respect older actors receive.
For today's musical hit, celebrate Thor: Ragnarok with a classic: Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song"
Today's critical rolls: Did you see Thor: Ragnarok? What did you think? If you didn't, are you planning on seeing it?
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